PeaceCast TV Solicits Content for Peace Day Broadcast: PeaceCast 2023 Worldwide
LONDON, ENGLAND – June 27, 2023 PeaceCast TV is gearing up once again to provide and make available exceptional video content for the International Day of Peace on September 21st during its annual PeaceCast. This content will be offered free of charge via the PeaceCast TV website and YouTube channel so it can be viewed, shared, uploaded or broadcast online through local and national media outlets.
The theme of this year’s Peace Day, as announced by the United Nations, is “Actions for Peace: Our ambition for the #Global Goals.” It is a call to action that recognizes our individual and collective responsibility to foster peace. Thus PeaceCast TV invites civic, corporate, educational and social entities to contribute to PeaceCast 2023 Worldwide with short YouTube videos (under 10 min.) that reflect this theme and showcase efforts to make a positive impact in the world.
New this year, there will be many individual country PeaceCasts, curated by local teams around the world that will feature videos of culturally relevant content for different regions and be made available for their Peace Day celebrations.
If you would like to submit YouTube videos from your organization or country to be considered for this year’s PeaceCast 2023 Peace Day broadcast, please contact Dr, Michelle Spinella using the information above.
“We’ve worked hard for many years and it’s heartening to finally see teams worldwide showcasing their countries’ efforts for peace, rather than the “mainstream news” representation of peace as just the absence of war,” said PeaceCast TV director, Dr. Michelle Spinella.
Established in 2010, PeaceCast TV is an international, all-volunteer association which scales up to present its annual promotion of Peace Day on September 21st. It uses the YouTube platform to provide a non-religious, non-political video stream that attempts to connect the dots between the fundamental human necessity and hope for peace and its influence on many social issues and fields of human endeavor.
Check when PeaceCast 2023 Worldwide and individual Country PeaceCasts
will be available to view, share, upload, or broadcast at PeaceCast TV.